Jerome Peloquin`

  • signed Sign the petition 2016-01-18 20:14:40 -0500

    Sign the petition

    Displaying DCPBC Logo #1.jpgLet the DC Council and Mayor know you support establishing a DC public bank to invest in our economy and create jobs, affordable housing, and small businesses, and provide an alternative to Wall Street banks.  Help build a better city for us all by signing the petition and ask your friends to sign.

    380 signatures


    We, the undersigned, call on the Mayor and the City Council to create a public bank for the District of Columbia that would:

    • Require our tax dollars be deposited in the DC Public Bank and not put at risk by private Wall Street banks making speculative investments

    • Make loans in partnership with local lenders to support DC businesses and create jobs for DC residents

    • Reduce the city’s borrowing costs for public investments that improve our quality of life

    • Help build an environmentally sustainable DC

    • Lend funds for affordable housing

    • Establish lending priorities based on regular input from DC residents

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